
Jessica McClaine | April 23, 2018

Stain Resistant Furniture for Families: Why LiveSmart?

It’s tough to raise a family these days.  It seems like no matter how hard parents try, there is someone right there ready to second-guess a decision, point an accusatory finger or raise an alarm if you’re doing something different from the norm. 

We get asked sometimes if LiveSmart furniture is safe for pets and families.  And we understand the concern.  We want to be sure that everything in our homes poses no harm.  Of course people want to know if stain resistant fabric is safe!  The short answer is this:  LiveSmart performance fabric is completely safe for everyone in the family, pets included!  Because LiveSmart protection is applied directly to the fibers during the fabric dye bath, it becomes a part of the fabric instead of other commonly used post-production applications that could wear off after a few spills and subsequent cleaning. 

Let’s explore some of the other reasons why we think LiveSmart by Culp is the best stain resistant furniture for families.


  • Choices. LiveSmart comes in a wide variety of fabric styles and colors.  Our designers are students of fashion and interior design trends.  They work hard to integrate the hottest colors and patterns with the go-to neutrals. 
  • Peace of mind. We all want to stress about the little things less.  Using a beautiful, stain resistant fabric helps you to relax and enjoy your life while staying spotless.  When your furniture investments still look as great as the day you bought them, you worry less about living your life that comes with some bumps and spills along the way.
  • Some performance fabrics can be stiff and scratchy.  But LiveSmart is soft to the touch so that even the softest baby skin can be close to it. 


LiveSmart is a terrific option for busy families who want safety, comfort, style and stain resistant furniture.  And no one can second-guess that parenting move. 

Performance Fabric vs. Furniture Protective Spray. What's the difference?
Learn more by clicking below!

Jessica McClaine

Jessica McClaine

Jessica is a digital marketing and online sales coordinator with a background in textile design. She’s passionate about anything creative or DIY. That’s probably why she and her husband bought a fixer-upper with "great bones," but in need of lots of work. Send Jessica your favorite meme or connect with her to share your creative ideas, or to ask her anything about LiveSmart fabric.